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Library Homepage: Medical students at St Vincent's - library support

Medical students at St Vincent's Hospital Clinical School - library support

Key online resources

Library space (Carl de Gruchy Library next to the Clinical School)

Individual consultations and tutorials

  • Contact the Clinical School for more information and eligibility (please do not contact the library direct)

Expectations re attending a library consultation

Please note that if the Clinical School refers you for library support:

  • Librarians at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne have no access to University resources and cannot provide advice on using them
  • Tutorials are run on SVHM resources which may require an SVHM login eg databases
  • Students are expected to have watched our video on searching Medline and attempted a search using that method BEFORE the tutorial. This method may differ from that used by your University.
  • BEFORE your tutorial please email the library at with:
    • the title of your topic and a short description
    • your search strategy using the method demonstrated in our video
    • your contact details
  • By the time you have watched the video you may no longer need our help!

Developing a search strategy in Ovid Medline

For more search tips see our Literature searching Libguide


Page author

Helen Wilding, Senior Research Librarian

Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison 
Thursdays, Fridays & alternate Wednesdays
Helen's profile | Researchgate | Orcid