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Library Homepage: Open Access Publishing

Open Access Publishing

Publishing in an Open Access journal incurs an article processing fee. The Library currently provides two deals that include discounts on accepted articles where the corresponding author is SVHM - Oxford (10% discount) and Cambridge University Press (free for 2024).

SVHM does not have an institutional fellowship with BMJ Publishing

A co-author of the work who has an affiliation with a University in the Council of Australian University Libraries (CAUL) can contact their University to apply for a reduced cost for the manuscript. Australian Universities part of CAUL have consortia agreements with many, but not all, journals/publishers. Their membership gives the University's authors a discount or waiver on the fee.

Cambridge University Press 2024 SVHM Deal

The Library has entered into a 'read and publish' deal with Cambridge University Press for 2024.

Any SVHM author who publishes open access in a Cambridge University Press journal in 2024 will have the articles processing fees waived. The SVHM author must be the corresponding author for the article. 

You can find out the details of the agreement on this web page

Oxford University Press 2024

For 2024, any SVHM corresponding author who publishes open access in an Oxford University Press journal will receive a 10% discount on author processing fees.

On submision, choose St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne Pty Ltd from the drop down menu (Ringgold ID 60078)

Useful Links for University Affiliated Staff

SVHM authors with a co-appointment with a university may wish to explore the many options for open access publishing they provide:

Australian Catholic University 

Monash University 

University of Melbourne