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Library Homepage: Databases

Bibliographic Databases


UpToDate - Clinical point of care tool. Access provided by SVHM IT Department. 

UpToDate Mobile App:

Before downloading the app, open UpToDate using a hospital device and create an account. This will enable UpTodate to verify your access.

Go to for additional information

Clinicians Health Channel

Clinicians Health Channel -  provided by the Health Department, Victoria CHC Resources shortcuts on Opendoor currently unavailable - Access resources via instead 

Access Instructions for Onsite/ Offsite use.

Includes MIMs, Australian Medicines Handbook, and Therapeutic Guidelines as well as bibliographic databases and journal collections.

May 2024: some SVHM users are unable to connect to CHC resources such as MIMs. IT are working on a solution. The recommended workaround, for those affected, is to use Remote Desktop. Open the Chrome browser and go the CHC website

Australian Standards

Please note that access to Australian Standards has changed.

Access via the new platform Techstreet is now via a single signon link

More information is available via the SVHA sharepoint site (restricted to SVHA staff only)


Summary of key bibliographic health databases

The following diagram shows the type of content, and a rough idea of the overlap, of key databases. It demonstrates the need for multiple databases to be included in a comprehensive literature search, but it does not attempt to be exact or exhaustive. Databases change constantly and there are many layers of duplication.

Database content - broader than you think

Keep in mind that the specialty area of a database is very broad, and it indicates the types of journals indexed rather than the specific content. For example a nursing and allied health database will still include articles on general medicine, psychology and radiology which are published in nursing and allied health journals. Likewise, there are many nursing related topics in Medline and PsycINFO. Medline and Embase cover an extremely wide range of topics.

Artificial intelligence (AI) tools

Using an artificial intelligence (AI) tooI, e.g. ChatGPT or Elicit, to find articles on a topic is not recommended for research. AI tools are not an alternative to conducting a literature search in the databases provided by the Library.

The tools do provide what appear to be references complete with all the bibliographic components and links to PubMed etc. However, these references may not exist. AI tools do not generally cite their sources so check the original source of any references they generate.

If you are studying and use an artificial intelligence tool to generate ideas or plan your work you may still need to acknowledge how you used the tool. Please familiarise yourself with your University's guidelines on using or acknowledging AI tools.

To book a one-hour tutorial on how to search the literature email