Frequently asked questions on EndNote 21 (for Windows) have been answered here. Make your selection:
If your question is not answered here you can Book a tutorial or consultation or Ask a Librarian who will be happy to help you. Alternatively, you can refer to manuals and guides at other support resources.
1. Set EndNote's preferences for finding full text at EndNote > Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text. Copy and paste this text to match the picture, then click Apply and OK.
2. Click on Show Search Panel to search your own EndNote library
3. Click on Integrated Library & Online Search to connect to the Internet
From databases provided by St. Vincent's Hospital Melbourne Library service:
How do I add to my Library results of a literature search sent to me as an attachment to an email?
How do I export records from an Ovid database?
How do I export results from a CINAHL search alert to EndNote?
How do I export records from Informit Health Collection?
From other sources:
How do I add the EndNote tab in MS Word?
How do I add the EndNote tab in Word on my Mac?
How do I insert a reference from EndNote in my Word document?
How do I insert multiple references from EndNote in the same location in my Word document?
Can I insert in my document references only from a Group in my Library?
How do I cite from "Therapeutic Guidelines"?
How do I cite from "UpTo Date"?
How do I insert a reference only in the bibliography of a document?
How can I create in-text citations in my PowerPoint presentation?