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Library Homepage: Receiving literature search results

Literature searches done for you - what to do with your results

SVHM staff are able to request standard literature searches for work purposes. This guide explains how to manage the results you receive, which will generally be emailed in a compressed EndNote library.

If you need more help please call the library on 9231 2541 or email 

Last update: 19 January 2023 HW

How to open your results provided in an EndNote library

  1. Your results are attached in a compressed EndNote library. This is a file ending with .enlx
  2. You will need EndNote software (version X9.3 onwards) in order to open the file.
  • Onsite: All hospital computers should have EndNote installed. If not, please contact IT to install
  • Offsite: Librarians can provide SVHM staff with EndNote software to install on PC or Mac computers at home. Contact us for more information.
  1. Download the attached .enlx file to your computer, saving it in a folder you can easily locate later.
  2. Double click/select the .enlx file, which will then open in EndNote software. This will automatically create a new  EndNote library (ending with .enl) and a folder for PDFs (ending with .data). 
  3. Next time you use the file, click on the .enl file. This is where any changes will have been saved.

Check your EndNote settings - Full Text Preferences (SVHM only)

The first time you use EndNote software check that the full text preferences link to SVHM subscriptions. This will help you automatically download full text PDFs. You should only need to adjust these settings once, but if you are offsite you will be prompted to login to SVHM each time you reconnect.

  • Open EndNote
  • Edit > Preferences > Find Full Text
    • Tick top four boxes
    • OpenURL Path:
    • Authenticate with URL:
  • It should look like this:

How to download and attach full text PDFs in EndNote (SVHM only)


Steps shown in the video

How to automatically download and attach full text PDFs:

  • Select the records you want to find full text for (maximum of 100 at a time).
  • Click the Find full text button on the top toolbar (magnifying glass with a pointy triangle).
  • Login to SVHM if requested (offsite only)
  • Click “Continue”, “Ok”, “Yes”, to any pop ups warning that you are leaving the network
  • Wait for full text to be loaded (shown by little paper clips)

If full text does not load automatically:

  • Right click on a record missing a PDF
  • Select URL > OpenURL link to search our journal catalogue
  • If full text is available (the catalogue shows we subscribe to the journal): 
    • Click View Full Text
    • Follow through to the article or search the journal to locate the article
    • Download the PDF to your computer (you can delete this later)
    • Back in EndNote, select the record you want to attach the PDF to
    • Click on the paperclip in the full reference pane on the right (to attach full text)
    • Navigate to the PDF you just downloaded and attach it
    • Move to another record and accept changes when prompted
    • Once the PDF is attached to your EndNote record you can delete the temporary copy you downloaded
  • If full text is not available (the catalogue shows we do not subscribe to the journal)
    • Click Request journal article
    • This will prefill a request form for the library to source the article from another provider
    • Complete the form and submit

New to EndNote? We can teach you how to use it!

Feedback? Yes please!

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Guide Author

Helen Wilding, Senior Research Librarian

Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison 
Thursdays, Fridays & alternate Wednesdays
Helen's profile | Researchgate | Orcid