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Systematic reviews: Can you help with search strategies for my systematic review?

Can you help with search strategies for my systematic review?

Library staff are often asked to help with search strategies for systematic reviews, and the following supports are available:

  1. Education (recommended) - book a tutorial  and learn how to develop a structured search strategy in Ovid Medline (see option 1 below)
  2. Co-authorship (limited service) - apply for a librarian to develop and write up search strategies for publication (see option 2 below)

Please note that with the exception of co-authorship, library staff cannot develop or approve your search strategies or tell you what you might be missing, as this involves extensive background research.



  • SVHM staff doing post-graduate study (usually not a systematic review)
  • SVHM Psychiatry Registrars doing a RANZCP Scholarly Project (not a systematic review)
  • SVHM staff wanting to develop their own search strategy without librarian co-authorship



  • Call 9231 2541 to book a 1 hour individual search tutorial using a topic of your choice.
  • Learn to develop a structured search strategy in Medline which you can apply to other topics


Librarians can provide up to two short (approx 15 minute) consultations following a search tutorial.

Due to time constraints feedback is verbal. It can include:

  • whether your strategy "makes sense" in a structural way
  • whether you have used Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT) correctly to combine search concepts
  • whether you have included both subject heading and text searching
  • whether your search syntax seems correct eg phrase.ti,ab.
  • general questions about searching or systematic review processes in accordance with the librarian's experience

With the exception of co-authorship, librarians CANNOT advise whether:

  • you have missed appropriate subject headings in Medline or any other database
  • you have missed relevant phrases or textwords that should be included
  • there is a more efficient way to search your topic
  • your search results are appropriate
  • your strategy has been translated correctly into another database
  • your strategy is complete or correct


SVHM staff planning to publish a systematic review can apply for a research librarian to develop and write up search strategies as a co-author.

Please note that due to staff limitations we cannot accept all requests.


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