After screening on title and abstract in Covidence, you will need to find and upload full text PDFs for the next round of screening. We recommend doing this in EndNote.
You will need EndNote software installed on your computer. EndNote should be installed on all SVHM PCs, but SVHM staff can also request software for their home computers. Please email the library from your SVHM email account to request EndNote installation files, specifying PC or Mac. If you aren't familiar with EndNote we also suggest booking in for an individual EndNote tutorial with library staff (SVHM staff only).
Full text PDFs can be uploaded to Covidence either individually or in bulk.
We suggest using the Bulk Upload feature which is explained here -
The first time you use EndNote software check that the full text preferences link to SVHM subscriptions. This will help you automatically download full text PDFs. You should only need to adjust these settings once, but if you are offsite you will be prompted to login to SVHM each time you reconnect.
It should look like this:
Steps shown in the video
How to automatically download and attach full text PDFs:
If full text does not load automatically:
Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison
Thursdays, Fridays & alternate Wednesdays
Helen's profile | Researchgate | Orcid