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Nursing Update: Special issue: Chronic Illness: Cancer Disease and Cancer Nursing updated 2024

Chronic Illness - Focus on Cancer Disease and Cancer Nursing 2022

This is a special issue on cancer disease and cancer/oncology nursing management and resources. It has a focus on chronic illness aspects. As much as possible full text is listed and some resources can be freely accessible. However, most articles will require an SVHM log in for offsite access

Other special Issues in the collection are available here: Special Issues on Nursing Update

Related Library main subject guides: Oncology.
Health Promotion - Chronic Illness resources

These special issues on Chronic Illness will be updated regularly. Please contact Anna Lovang, if you would like to contribute or have suggestions on adding resources to these issues. 

(Last updated 09/04/2024)




Australian Journal of Cancer Nursing (Informit Health Collection)
Canadian oncology nursing journal = Revue canadienne de nursing oncologique 
(open access journal in English)
Cancer Nursing
Cancer Nursing Practice (CHC log in)
CJON - Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing (Non subscription, some open access articles)
Journal of Breast Imaging
Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing (OVID Medline, Nursing@OVID)
Palliative and Supportive Care (Taylor & Francis subscription)
Oncology Nursing Forum (Non subscription, some open access journals)
TON The Oncology Nurse (Non subscription, free registration)

 Sign up to Browzine App & How to use Browzine (Library Video)




Oncology Nursing Video

@Nurse Break, 16 min.

Feature articles - Oncology, cancer nursing

Cancer epidemiology Australia

Cancer in Australia 2021 AU
AIHW, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Full text

Cancer data in Australia 2023 AU
AIHW, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 31 August 2023.
Full text

Risk factors
Understanding perceptions of health, lifestyle risks and chronic disease in middle age, 2021
Halcomb, Elizabeth, Ashley, Christine, Middleton, Rebekkah, et al. J Clin Nurs. 2021.
Full text

Alcohol and Breast Cancer: Results From the Women's Wellness After Cancer Program Randomized Controlled Trial, 2022 AU
Balaam, Sarah et al. Cancer Nursing, Issue: Volume 45(2), March/April 2022, p 87-95.
Full text

The future excess fraction of cancer due to lifestyle factors in Australia, 2021 AU
Renee N Carey et al. Cancer Epidemiology, 2021,1 Oct 25;75:102049.
Full text

Diagnosis, screening
Culturally safe, high-quality breast cancer screening for transgender people: A scoping review protocol, 2022 AU
Peters MDJ, Ramsey I, Kennedy K, Sharplin G, Eckert M. Journal of  Advanced Nursing. 2022;78(1):276-281.
Full text

Interventions and management for oncology patients
Exploring experiences and perceptions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples readmitted to hospital with chronic disease in New South Wales, Australia: a qualitative study, 2021 AU
Jayakody Amanda, et al. Australian Health Review 45(4) 411-417, 2021.
Full text

A Qualitative Analysis of Cancer Patients’ Perceptions of an Interprofessional Counseling Service on Complementary and Integrative Healthcare, 2024
Helena Dursch et al. Qualitative Health Research 2024, Vol. 0(0) 1–15.
Full text

ARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention- International Agency for Research on Cancer (WHO)
Colorectal, breast, lung cancers, prevention and screening
Full text

Oncology Nurses
Effectiveness of Meaning-Centered Coaching on the Job of Oncology Nurses on Spiritual Care Competences: A Participatory Action Research Approach, 2023 
 Modderkolk L, et al. Cancer Nursing (2023): Epub Ahead of Print. Web. 
Full text

The prevalence, related factors and interventions of oncology nurses' burnout in different continents: A systematic review and meta-analysis, 2023 Ma Y, et al. Journal of Clinical Nursing 32.19-20 (2023): 7050-7061.
Full text

Coproducing and Implementing Person-Centered Key Performance Indicators in Ambulatory Cancer Nursing, 2023
Lynch B and McCance TV. Cancer Nursing 46.3 (2023): E192-E203.
Full text

Evidence-Based Critical Care Education for Oncology Nurses, 2022
Leake J, Powers K and Rutledge S. DCCN - Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing 41.4 (2022): 171-177.
Full text

Palliative care
Digital Storytelling: Sharing Palliative Care Experiences as an Innovative Educational Approach, 2024
Glassman E. and Lewis L.F. Nursing Education Perspectives 45.1 (2024): 57-59.
Full text

Effect of Laughter Therapy on Mood Disturbances, Pain, and Burnout in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients and Family Caregivers, 2024
Moon H., Journ S. and Lee S. Cancer Nursing 47.1 (2024): 3-11.
Full text

Palliative care for cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic: A narrative synthesis from 36 studies of 16 countries, 2023. 
Zhao D.-Y., et al Journal of Clinical Nursing 32.17-18 (2023): 6120-6135.
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Psycho-oncology and mental health
A comparison of the prevalence of dry mouth and other symptoms using two different versions of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System on an inpatient palliative care unit, 2024. Monsen, R.E., Lerdal, A., Nordgarden, H. et al. BMC Palliat Care 23, 75 (2024).
Full text

Self-reported health-related quality-of-life issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients with experience of cancer in  Australia: A review of literature, 2015 (AU)
Micklem J.M. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare 13.4 (2015): 233-253.
Full text

Psychosocial Problems in Relation to Spiritual Orientation and Religious Coping Among Oncology Muslim Patients, 2022
Harbali, Sevil Masat; Koç, Zeliha, Cancer Nursing. Vol. 45 Issue 2, pp. 120–131, 2022.
Full text

Guidelines and practice tools

Guidelines and practice tools
Cancer Australia - Cancer Council Australia Guidelines 
Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA) - Practice Guidelines

Cancer Australia - Cancer Guidelines by type
Guidelines by Type 2016 onwards


Oncology Nursing books

Collection of Oncology and Cancer Nursing Ebooks

Including access to DOAB: Directory of Open Access Ebooks.

Search SVHM Book collection

Cancer disease - specific disorders & nursing assessment

Nursing care and Health assessment

Nurse-Led Individualized Follow-Up Versus Regular Physician-Led Visits After Early Breast Cancer (MyHealth): A Phase III Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Clin Oncol. 2024 Mar 18.
Full text

Developing and Strengthening Nursing Leadership in Cancer Care and Control, 2023
Winnie K. W. Cancer Nursing 46(5):p 413-414, 9/10 2023.
Full text

Efficacy of an Algorithm-Based Nursing Intervention to Promote a Balance Between Cancer Patients' Social Roles and Outpatient Treatment: A Quasi-Experimental Study, 2023 Cancer Nursing. Issue: Volume 46(4), July/August 2023, p 303-313
Full text

Cancer disease specialities

Metformin and other anti-diabetic medication use and breast cancer incidence in the Nurses' Health Studies, 2024
Tengteng Wang et al. Int J Cancer. 2024; 1-15.
Full text

Treatment intervals and survival for women diagnosed with early breast cancer in Queensland: the Breast Cancer Outcomes Study, a population-based cohort study, 2023 AU
Kou, Kou; Aitken, Joanne et al.  Medical Journal of  Australia. 2023;219(9):409-416.
Full text

Pertuzumab study in the neoadjuvant setting for HER2-positive nonmetastatic breast cancer in Australia (PeRSIA), 2023 AU
Lok SW. et al.International Journal of Cancer, 152(2), 267-275.
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Endocrine Cancer
Issues: Demystifying neuroendocrine cancer for patients and nurses, 2023  AU

Cristelle Gilmour, Australian Nursing and Midwifery Journal, Vol. 28, No. 1, Jul-Sep 2023, 22-23.
Full text

Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 2023
Pepijn van Houten, Romana T. Netea-Maier, Johannes W. Smit, Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Volume 37, Issue 1, 2023.
Full text

Prostrate cancer
2022 Update on Prostate Cancer Epidemiology and Risk Factors—A Systematic Review, 2023.
Oskar Bergengren et al. European Urology Vol. 84, pp.191-206. 2023.
Full text

Skin cancers
The Epidemiology of Malignant Melanoma during the First Two Years of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Review, 2023
International J. of Environmental Research and Public Health 2023, 20(1), 305. 
Full text

Bone and blood cancer
The Hematology Cancer Patient Experience of "Facing Death" in the Last Year of Life: A Constructivist Grounded Theory Study, 2023
Campbell, Karen DN; Harris, Fiona PhD; Stoddart, Kathleen. Cancer Nursing. Issue: Volume 47(2), March/April 2024, p 132-140.
Full text

The Patients' Perspective: Hematological Cancer Patients' Experiences of Adverse Events as Part of Care, 2021 AU
Bryant, Jamie et al.  Journal of Patient Safety. 2021;17(5):e387-e392.
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Gastrointestinal and Bowel Cancer
Understanding the role of the gut microbiome in gastrointestinal cancer: A review, 2023
Duygu Ağagündüz et al. Frontiers. in Pharmacology., 24 January 2023. Sec. Gastrointestinal and Hepatic Pharmacology. Volume 14 - 2023.
Full text

Management of Malignant Bowel Obstruction: An Innovative Proactive Outpatient Nurse-Led Model of Care for Patients With Advanced Gynecologic Cancer. Jivraj N., et al. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 38.1 (2023): 69-75. 
Full text

Further resources

        Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre (Image VCCC©) AU

         VCCC Alliance - Overcoming cancer together

 TACTICS - Indigenous-led research program, National Health and Medical Research Council funded centre at   the Univeristy of Queensland. (Image TACTI
 Increase Cancer Prevention And Early Detection Through Immunisation And Screening
 Improve Diagnosis And Treatment Through Health Service Innovation

Nursing Societies and links


Cancer Nurses Society of Australia (CNSA)
Cancer Council Victoria
Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation
Neuro-Endocrine Cancer Australia


Oncology Nursing Society | ONS (USA)
   Oncology Nursing Podcast Library

European Oncology Nursing Society EONS (EU)