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Literature searching: Informit Health


Informit Health moved to a new platform in 2020 and is a work in progress. Please note that as at August 2021 searching and export capabilities are still limited.

With respect to usability, there is no bulk export feature - single results have to be exported one at a time. For this reason we do not currently recommend this database for large literature reviews or systematic reviews,

Informit Health quick link

What is Informit Health?

  • Small Australian bibliographic health database by RMIT
  • Indexes some Indigenous journals

Top tips - searching Informit Health

Informit Health (RMIT) has been moved to a new platform and is a work in progress. As at August 2021:

  • use advanced search
  • see search tips below advanced search
  • search words and phrases only - no subject headings
  • NOTE: no bulk export feature - single results have to be exported one at a time

Sample search: Informit

Sample topic: Depression and anxiety in Australia's indigenous population.

At the Informit home page click on Advanced Search under the search bar. 


Keep your search terms very simple and text based. Subject headings are not used in Informit databases.

In this example I have added simple synonyms for our two concepts:

  • aboriginal OR indigenous
  • depression OR anxiety

These are combined with AND to find records that include both concepts. I have searched the words in all fields of the record, including title, abstract, journal name etc. If I wanted a tighter search I could have just searched the title field.


The list of results currently has no ability to select bulk results. In order to export a record you need to click on a single title.


Individual records have an Export Citations function.

Select the EndNote option from the drop down list, then download. Depending on your browser the citation may open directly in EndNote, or you may need to click on the download to open it.


Informit's advanced search tips and a link to further resources can be found at the bottom of the Advanced Search Page.