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COVID-19 Feature Articles: Long Covid Issue 2 May 2022

A guide that lists selected articles regarding COVID-19 relevant to SVHA

Long Covid and Rehabilitation Issue 2

This page lists feature articles on COVID-19 relevant to people working at St Vincent's Health Australia.

All articles listed are open access unless stated otherwise.

Overview Articles

Long COVID: the elephant in the room.
QJM:2021: November 26 Full text

Risk factors and incidence of Long-COVID syndrome in hospitalized patients: does remdesivir have a protective effect?
QJM:2021: November 26 Full text

Assessment and characterisation of post-COVID-19 manifestations.
International Journal of Clinical Practice:2021: September 29 Full text

Global surveillance, research, and collaboration needed to improve understanding and management of long COVID.
Lancet:2021: November 10 Full text

Identification of distinct long COVID clinical phenotypes through cluster analysis of self-reported symptoms.
Open Forum Infectious Diseases:2022: February 7 
Full text

Outcome Studies

Long-term outcomes following severe COVID-19 infection: a propensity matched cohort study.
BMJ Open Respiratory Research:2021: December 9 Full text

Physical and mental health 3 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection (long COVID) among adolescents in England (CLoCk): a national matched cohort study.
Lancet Child and Adolescent Health:2022: February 8 Full text

Long COVID symptoms in SARS-CoV-2-positive adolescents and matched controls (LongCOVIDKidsDK): a national, cross-sectional study.
Lancet Child and Adolscent Health:2022: February 7 Full text

Symptoms experienced at the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection as risk factor of long-term post-COVID Symptoms: the LONG-COVID-EXP-CM Multicenter Study.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases:2022: January 10 Full text

Prevalence of select new symptoms and conditions among persons aged younger than 20 years and 20 years or older at 31 to 150 days after testing positive or negative for SARS-CoV-2.
JAMA Network Open:2022: February 4 Full text

Clinical characteristics with inflammation profiling of long COVID and association with 1-year recovery following hospitalisation in the UK: a prospective observational study.
Lancet Respiratory Medicine:2022: April 23 
Full text

Frailty and mortality associations in patients with COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. AUS
Internal Medicine Journal:2022: January 23 
Full text

Multiple early factors anticipate post-acute COVID-19 sequelae.
Cell:2022: January 24 
Full text

One-year trajectory of cognitive changes in older survivors of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a longitudinal cohort study.
JAMA Neurology:2022: March 8 
Full text

Risk of persistent and new clinical sequelae among adults aged 65 years and older during the post-acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection: retrospective cohort study.
BMJ:2022: February 9 Full text

Complications following SARS-CoV-2 infection in Victoria, Australia: a record linkage study. AUS
SSRN:2022: February 3 Full text

Neurological Manifestations

Neuropathology and virus in brain of SARS-CoV-2 infected non-human primates.
Nature Communications:2022: April 1 Full text

SARS-CoV-2 is associated with changes in brain structure in UK Biobank.
Nature:2022: March 7 
Full text

Severe Neuro-COVID is associated with peripheral immune signatures, autoimmunity and signs of neurodegeneration: a prospective cross-sectional study.
medRxiv:2022: March 2 
Full text

Peripheral neuropathy evaluations of patients with prolonged long COVID.
Neurology: 2022: March 1 
Full text

Visual interpretation of brain hypometabolism related to neurological long COVID: a French multicentric experience.
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Medicine:2022: March 23 Full text

Otologic and vestibular symptoms in COVID-19: A scoping review.
World Journal of Otorhinolaryngology - Head Neck Suregry:2022: April 6 Full text

Nervous system consequences of COVID-19.
Science:2022: January 20 Full text

Acute and chronic neurological disorders in COVID-19: potential mechanisms of disease.
Brain:2021:144(12):3576-88 Full text

Cardiovascular Manifestations

Cardiac impairment in Long Covid 1-year post-SARS-CoV-2 infection.
medRxiv:2022: April 4 Full text

Long-term cardiovascular outcomes of COVID-19.
Nature:2022: February 7 Full text

Gastrointestinal Manifestations

Third of patients have gustatory dysfunction 9 months after SARS-CoV-2 infection: the ANOSVID study.
International Journal of Infectiious Diseases:2022: March 30 Full text

Severe activity of inflammatory bowel disease is a risk factor for severe COVID-19.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases:2022: April 6 Full text

Orthopaedic Manifestations

Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Osteonecrosis must not be overlooked.
International Journal of Infectious Diseases:2022: April 21 
Full text

Haematological Manifestations

Hypercoagulopathy as a severe Long-term complication of post SARS-CoV-19 infection.
Human Pathology Reports:2022: February 3 Full text

Immunological Manifestations

Immunological dysfunction persists for 8 months following initial mild-to-moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Nature Immunology:2022: January 13 Full text

Respiratory Manifestations

Impaired systemic oxygen extraction long after mild COVID-19: potential perioperative implications.
British Journal of Anaesthesia:2021: December 27 Full text

Mental Health Manifestations

Neuropsychiatric and cognitive outcomes in patients 6 months after COVID-19 requiring hospitalization compared with matched control patients hospitalized for non–COVID-19 illness.
JAMA Psychiatry:2022: March 23 Full text

Cognitive dysfunction following SARS-CoV-2 infection in a population-representative Canadian sample: A cross sectional study
Brain, Behavior & Immunity – Health:2022: March 21 
Full text

Risks and burdens of incident diabetes in long COVID: a cohort study.
Lancet:2022: March 
Full text

Risks of mental health outcomes in people with covid-19: cohort study.
BMJ:2022: February 16 Full text


Rehabilitation in acute COVID-19 patients: A Japanese retrospective, observational, multi-institutional survey.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation:2021: December 8 Full text

COVID-19 patients require multi-disciplinary rehabilitation approaches to address persisting symptom profiles and restore pre-COVID quality of life.
Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine:2022: April 18 
Full text

Safety, feasibility, and outcomes of frequent, long-duration rehabilitation in an inpatient rehabilitation facility after prolonged hospitalization for severe COVID-19: an observational study.
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Journal:2021:101(11):pzab208 Full text

Effects of exercise rehabilitation in patients with long COVID-19.
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology:2022: January 25
 Full text

Chief Librarian - St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne

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Jeremy Taylor
03 9231 2542