Welcome to Mental Health Update - a topic specific current awareness bulletin for staff at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne. This issue includes a HUGE slab of 41 staff publications relating to mental health and wellbeing, plus feature publications picked from two new topic guides - Decision making in mental health and Advance statements in mental health. Check them out!
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Contact: helen.wilding@svha.org.au to subscribe to updates, ask a question, suggest a resource or request an Endnote library of citations (SVHM staff only)
Further reading
Topic guide: Decision making in mental health - added 15 July 2022.
This collection of journal articles, websites and videos looks at forms of collaborative decision making that aim to actively involve mental health consumers in decisions affecting them. This includes shared and supported decision making as well as many suggestions on how to ensure voices are heard.
A little sample:
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Topic guide: Advance statements in mental health - major update 15 July 2022
Jayne Lewis and I first visited this topic in 2014 when the new Victorian Mental Health Act was introduced. This 2022 update includes fresh journal articles, web pages, guidelines and videos including both the consumer and service experience.
A little sample:
Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison
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