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Mental Health: Covid-19 and healthcare staff psychological wellbeing

Guide to library resources for staff of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne with an interest in mental health, psychiatry and psychology

Healthcare staff mental health and Covid-19

This is a special issue of Mental Health Update dealing with the impact of Covid-19 and similar pandemics on the psychological wellbeing of healthcare staff. Articles look at workplace stressors, interventions, stigma, coping strategies and long term impacts. They are listed by topic in date order, with the most recent on top so you can find new additions easily.

Full text access: Most of these resources are freely accessible, but articles marked with an asterisk* require an SVHM login for offsite access. Readers from other organisations are welcome, but please note that some links will not work for you, and this library can only supply subscription based full text resources to SVHM staff and students.

Endnote:  SVHM staff may request an Endnote library of these citations.

Related libguides:

Contact: to subscribe, request an Endnote library or ask a question.  

Last update: 18 December 2020 (new articles are added to the top of the relevant section)

Publications by SVHM staff

Psychological impact of pandemics on healthcare staff


A conversation about burnout and stress: promoting wellbeing when caring impacts, with Dr Simon Olenski and Linda Espie from St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne. Covid-19 is addressed about 4 minutes in.



Other pandemics

Video from Medecins Sans Frontieres

Long term psychological impact of pandemics on healthcare staff

Other pandemics

SVHM staff looking after their mental health :)

Mental health interventions for healthcare staff during pandemics


Previous pandemics

Coping responses by healthcare staff during pandemics


Other pandemics

Stigma of mental illness in healthcare staff after pandemics

Other pandemics

Psychological impact of pandemics on healthcare students

Other pandemics

Helen Wilding

Helen Wilding, Senior Research Librarian

Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison 
Thursdays, Fridays & alternate Wednesdays
Helen's profile | Researchgate | Orcid