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Mental Health: MHU 2018 issue 8 (9 Nov 2018)

Guide to library resources for staff of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne with an interest in mental health, psychiatry and psychology

Mental Health Update - Issue 8 of 2018 (9 November 2018)

Welcome to Mental Health Update – a current awareness e-bulletin for staff and students of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne who are interested in any aspect of mental health. Articles marked with an asterisk* require an SVHM login for offsite access. Staff may request an Endnote library of citations.

Readers from other organisations are welcome, but please note that links marked with an asterisk* may not work for you, and this library can only supply subscription based full text resources to SVHM staff and students.

If  you would like to provide feedback or be notified of new issues please email


Publications by staff of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

     Congratulations to our authors for a job well done!

  • Mental health and integration in Asia Pacific. Ng CH. BJPsych International, 2018, 15(4):76-79 Read article
  • Engagement at entry to an early intervention service for first episode psychosis: An exploratory study of young people and caregivers. Tindall RM, Allott K, Simmons M, Roberts W, Hamilton BE. Psychosis, 2018, 10(3):175-186 Read article*
  • ​​Impact of the carer on length of hospital stay for mental health: Results from two Australian surveys. Hielscher E, Diminic S, Harris M, Castle D, Lee YY, Kealton J, Whiteford H. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  Read article*
  • Revising the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists code of ethics. Bloch S, Kenn F, Smith G. Australasian Psychiatry, 2018, 26(5):456-459 Read article*
  • Access block to psychiatric inpatient admission: Implications for national mental health service planning. Allison S, Bastiampillai T, O’Reilly R, Castle D. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,  Read article*
  • Widespread emergency department access block: A human rights issue in Australia? Allison S, Bastiampillai T, O’Reilly R, Sharfstein SS, Castle D. Australasian Psychiatry:1039856218810156 Read article*

Featured journal articles and online resources


  • The SSRI citalopram increases the sensitivity of the human circadian system to light in an acute dose. McGlashan EM, Nandam LS, Vidafar P et al. Psychopharmacology, 2018 Read article*
  • Ketamine and rapidly acting antidepressants: Breaking the speed of sound or light? Berk M, Loo C, Davey CG et al. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 2018, 52(11):1026-1029 Read article*

Better Access?

  • Australia’s ‘Better Access’ scheme: Has it had an impact on population mental health? Jorm AF. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry,  Read article*



  • Improving the practice of handover for psychiatric inpatient nursing staff. Abela-Dimech F, Vuksic O. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2018, 32(5):729-736 Read article*


  • Art and mental health recovery: Evaluating the impact of a community-based participatory arts program through artist voices. Bone TA. Community Mental Health Journal, 2018, 54(8):1180-1188 Read article*

Families and carers

  • Working together with families and carers: Chief psychiatrist’s guideline. Office of the Chief Psychiatrist - Victoria. Melbourne; 2018. Read guideline
  • Family-focused practice with ease: A practice framework for strengthening recovery when mental health consumers are parents. Foster K, Goodyear M, Grant A et al. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  Read article*
  • Caregiving for relatives with psychiatric disorders vs. Co-occurring psychiatric and substance use disorders. Labrum T. Psychiatric Quarterly, 2018, 89(3):631-644 Read article*


  • ‘First and foremost a human being…’: User perspectives on mental health services from 50 mentally disordered offenders. Møllerhøj J, Os Stølan L. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 2018 Read article*
  • Implementing seclusion in forensic mental health care: A qualitative study of staff decision making. Green R, Shelly C, Gibb J et al. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 2018, 32(5):764-768 Read article*


Indigenous Australians

  • Lip service: Public mental health services and the care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Molloy L, Lakeman R, Walker K et al. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2018, 27(3):1118-1126 Read article*
  • Mental health nursing practice and indigenous Australians: A multi-sited ethnography. Molloy L, Walker K, Lakeman R et al. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2018 Read article*

Peer work

  • Peer work in open dialogue: A discussion paper. Bellingham B, Buus N, McCloughen A et al. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, 2018, 27(5):1574-1583 Read article*

Physical health

  • Consumers at the centre: Interprofessional solutions for meeting mental health consumers’ physical health needs. Happell B, Platania-Phung C, Bocking J et al. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2018  Read article*
  • Mental health service user and staff perspectives on tobacco addiction and smoking cessation: A meta-synthesis of published qualitative studies. Malone V, Harrison R, Daker-White G. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2018, 25(4):270-282 Read article


  • Successfully treating 90 patients with obsessive compulsive disorder in eight days: The Bergen 4-day treatment. Kvale G, Hansen B, Björgvinsson T et al. BMC Psychiatry, 2018, 18(1):323 Read article
  • Introducing a conversational model therapy approach as a team model of care: The clinician experience in a sexual assault service. McLean L, Kornhaber R, Holt R et al. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2018 Read article*


Suicide prevention

  • A perfect storm: Towards reducing the risk of suicide in the medical profession. McCormack AI. Medical Journal of Australia, 2018, 209(9):378-379 Read article* | Read media release


  • The mental health of asylum seekers in Australia and the role of psychiatrists. Silove D, Mares S. BJPsych International, 2018, 15(3):65-68 Read article
  • Assessing trauma in a transcultural context: Challenges in mental health care with immigrants and refugees. Wylie L, Van Meyel R, Harder H et al. Public Health Reviews, 2018, 39(1):22 Read article
  • The lessons I learned as a psychiatrist from my transcultural work in low- and middle-income countries. Leff J. BJPsych International, 2018 Read article
  • A fish out of water: Experience of working with the Māori people in New Zealand. Chubb R. BJPsych International, 2018 Read article

Carers Week: 14-20 October 2018

Mental Health Liaison Librarian

Helen Wilding, Senior Research Librarian

Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison 
Thursdays, Fridays & alternate Wednesdays
Helen's profile | Researchgate | Orcid