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Mental Health: MHU 2018 issue 5 (22 June 2018)

Guide to library resources for staff of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne with an interest in mental health, psychiatry and psychology

Mental Health Update - Issue 5 of 2018 (22 June 2018)

Welcome to Mental Health Update – a current awareness e-bulletin for staff and students of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne who are interested in any aspect of mental health. Articles marked with an asterisk* require an SVHM login for offsite access.

Readers from other organisations are welcome, but please note that some links will not work for you, and this library can only supply subscription based full text resources to SVHM staff and students.

If  you would like to be notified of new issues please email


Publications by staff of St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

     Congratulations to our authors for a job well done!

  • Dual diagnosis competencies: A systematic review of staff training literature. Petrakis M, Robinson R, Myers K, Kroes S, O'Connor S. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 2018, 7:53-57 Read article
  • Food knowledge and psychological state predict adherence to a gluten‐free diet in a survey of 5310 Australians and New Zealanders with coeliac disease. Halmos EP, Deng M, Knowles SR, Sainsbury K, Mullan B, Tye‐Din JA. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2018, 48(1):78-86 Read article

Featured journal articles


  • Gaps in the ice: Methamphetamine in Australia; its history, treatment, and ramifications for users and their families. Gordon DG, Jong G. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  Read article*
  • The role of the registered nurse working in substance use disorder treatment: A hermeneutic study. Abram MD. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2018, 39(6):490-498 Read article*
  • Challenging the brain disease model of addiction: European launch of the addiction theory network. Heather N, Best D, Kawalek A, Field M, Lewis M, Rotgers F, Wiers RW, Heim D. Addiction Research & Theory, 2018, 26(4):249-255 Read article*
  • The personal impacts of having a partner with problematic alcohol or other drug use: Descriptions from online counselling sessions. Wilson SR, Lubman DI, Rodda S, Manning V, Yap MBH. Addiction Research & Theory, 2018, 26(4):315-322 Read article*

Assertive community treatment

  • Unique practice, unique place: Exploring two assertive community treatment teams in Maine. Schroeder RA. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2018, 39(6):499-505 Read article*


  • Psychiatric nursing care experiences of immigrant patients: A focused ethnographic study. Kallakorpi S, Haatainen K, Kankkunen P. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*

Dual diagnosis 

  • Dilemmas in recovery-oriented practice to support people with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders: A qualitative study of staff experiences in Norway. Brekke E, Lien L, Nysveen K, Biong S. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 2018, 12(1):30 Read article
  • Outcomes of an integrated care pathway for concurrent major depressive and alcohol use disorders: A multisite prospective cohort study. Samokhvalov AV, Probst C, Awan S, George TP, Le Foll B, Voore P, Rehm J. BMC Psychiatry, 2018, 18(1):189 Read article

Inpatient admission 

  • Our sunshine place: A collective narrative and reflection on the experiences of a mental health crisis leading to an admission to a psychiatric inpatient unit. Marianne W, Helena R, Faith RR, Bridie S, John M, Rosslyn T, Amanda P, Peter B, Neil B. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing,  Read article*
  • ‘In some ways it all helps but in some ways it doesn't’: The complexities of service users’ experiences of inpatient mental health care in Australia. Sophie I. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*
  • Implementing guidelines on physical health in the acute mental health setting: A quality improvement approach. Green S, Beveridge E, Evans L, Trite J, Jayacodi S, Evered R, Parker C, Polledri L, Tabb E, Green J, Manickam A, Williams J, Deere R, Tiplady B. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 2018, 12(1):1 Read article

Peer work 

  • Lived experience researchers partnering with consumers and carers to improve mental health research: Reflections from an Australian initiative. Banfield M, Randall R, O'Brien M, Hope S, Gulliver A, Forbes O, Morse AR, Griffiths K. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*
  • ‘Outside the original remit’: Co‐production in UK mental health research, lessons from the field. Nicky L, Sarah C. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*

Psychological therapies

  • The comparative effectiveness and efficiency of cognitive behaviour therapy and generic counselling in the treatment of depression: Evidence from the 2nd UK national audit of psychological therapies. Pybis J, Saxon D, Hill A, Barkham M. BMC Psychiatry, 2017, 17(1):215 Read article
  • Symptom, alexithymia and self-image outcomes of mentalisation-based treatment for borderline personality disorder: A naturalistic study. Löf J, Clinton D, Kaldo V, Rydén G. BMC Psychiatry, 2018, 18(1):185 Read article
  • The implementation and adherence to evidence-based protocols for psychotherapy for depression: The perspective of therapists in Dutch specialized mental healthcare. Bruijniks SJE, Franx G, Huibers MJH. BMC Psychiatry, 2018, 18(1):190 Read article
  • Staff and patient accounts of prn medication administration and non‐pharmacological interventions for anxiety. Martin K, Ham E, Hilton NZ. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*


  • Evaluation of arts based courses within a UK recovery college for people with mental health challenges. Stevens J, Butterfield C, Whittington A, Holttum S. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2018, 15 Read article
  • Flourishing with psychosis: A prospective examination on the interactions between clinical, functional, and personal recovery processes on well-being among individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Chan RCH, Mak WWS, Chio FHN, Tong ACY. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2018, 44(4):778-786 Read article*
  • Caring for the suicidal person: A delphi study of what characterizes a recovery‐oriented caring approach. Sellin L, Kumlin T, Wallsten T, Wiklund GL. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*

Trauma informed care

  • Connecting past and present: Nurses' role in identifying signs of child sexual abuse in adults and supporting survivors. Cleary M, West S, McLean L, Kezelman C, Karacsony S, Kornhaber R. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*
  • How do mental health services respond when child abuse or neglect become known? A literature review. Read J, Harper D, Tucker I, Kennedy A. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article*
  • The attributes of successful de‐escalation and restraint teams. Snorrason J, Biering P. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing, Read article

Mental Health Liaison Librarian

Helen Wilding, Senior Research Librarian

Carl de Gruchy Library, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne

Literature Searching, Systematic Reviews, Mental Health liaison 
Thursdays, Fridays & alternate Wednesdays
Helen's profile | Researchgate | Orcid