Library Services' Knowledge Update is a weekly bulletin which includes feature articles across a wide range of topics, new physical and e-books in the Library, and websites of interest.
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Social isolation and loneliness as medical issues.
New England Journal of Medicine:2023: January 14 Full text
Telemental health for the homeless population: lessons learned when leveraging care.
Current Psychiatry Reports:2023:25:1-6 Full text
Supporting vulnerable people during challenging transitions: a systematic review of critical time intervention.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Research:2023:50:100-13 Full text
Risk factors associated with 30-day unplanned hospital readmission for patients with mental illness. AUS
International Journal of Mental Health Nursing:2023:32(1):30-53 Full text
Early prediction of hospital admission of emergency department patients. AUS
Emergency Medicine Australasia: January 12 Full text
Introduction of an emergency medicine pharmacist-led sepsis alert response system in the emergency department: a cohort study. AUS
Emergency Medicine Australasia: January 12 Full text
Direct ophthalmoscopy in the evaluation of emergency department patients with headache: Time to rethink?
Emergency Medicine Australasia:2023: January 11 Full text
Multicomponent intervention for frail and pre-frail older adults with acute cardiovascular conditions: The TARGET-EFT randomized clinical trial.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society:2023: January 16 Full text
Same day discharge for robot-assisted radical prostatectomy: a prospective cohort study documenting an Australian approach. AUS
ANZ Journal of Surgery:2023: January 13 Full text
SMART choice (knee) tool: a patient-focused predictive model to predict improvement in health-related quality of life after total knee arthroplasty. STV
ANZ Journal of Surgery:2023: January 13 Full text
Impact of Early COVID-19 waves on cardiac rehabilitation delivery in Australia: a national survey. AUS
Heart, Lung and Circulation:2022: January 14 Full text
Empagliflozin in patients with chronic kidney disease.
New England Journal of Medicine:2023: January 12 Full text
Alcohol intake as a risk factor for acute stroke: The INTERSTROKE Study.
Neurology:2023:100(2):e142 Full text
Potential role of volatile organic compound breath testing in the Australasian colorectal cancer pathway.
ANZ Journal of Surgery:2023: January 11 Full text
Your mother was right… You should stand up straight.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society:2022: December 22 Full text
Preprints: a game changer in scientific publications?
European Heart Journal:2023:44(3):171-73 Full text
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has issued a review of the literature regarding Long COVID in Australia
Key findings include that around 5–10% of COVID-19 cases in Australia reported symptoms persisting for more than 3 months, and also that as of September 2022, most long COVID research has been conducted outside of Australia, often using pre-Omicron data
We have access to new journal titles in 2024 via our various package collections
Cambridge University Press
64 new journal titles are included in this package. Some selected tiltes include:
Oxford University Press
Taylor and Francis Online
Science Direct
Wiley Online Library