“Crawling Out of the Cocoon”: Patients' Experiences of a Physical Therapy Exercise Intervention in the Treatment of Major Depression
Physical Therapy, Volume 96, Issue 8, 1 August 2016, Pages 1241–1250.
Physiotherapists' views about providing physiotherapy services to people with severe and persistent mental illness: a mixed methods study
Journal of Physiotherapy. Volume 65, Issue 4, October 2019, Pages 222-229.
Implementing evidence-based physical activity interventions for people with mental illness: an Australian perspective
Australasian Psychiatry, Vol. 24, Issue 1 2016
The Mental Health Burden of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Physical Therapists
Inter. J of Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(10), 3723
Five facts about mental health for practitioners and patients
Ellen Lake, Richard Modderman, Beth Fuller, Georgie Davidson, Rosalie Russo, Rachel Peck-Israel and Ruth Lira
Physiotherapy InMotion - APA: Australian Physiotherapy Association, June 2020.